We left Kansas City Missouri in March 2014, ready to go fulltime in our RV we had no experience except the desire to live an learn.
Well here she is Our New RV, I know she's not new and shinny but she is paid for and the best you can get for her price. here are a few more pics of her.
We are just cleaning her out getting ready for our CA trip, like I said she's not new but in great shape for her age.
The hardiest thing about moving into a RV is trying to fit all you want to take that you will really need and not take what you really want and don't need. It's crazy I never knew how sad you can feel to give up a few possessions that really don't mean much. It took the whole month to sell, give away, through away piles of junk, I was so sick of stuff that I said I will never get that much stuff again.
All I can say is to have a plan sell all you can early on, give away to family and friends all your hard copies of extra photos, and scan as much as you can save on external hard drives, your computers. laptops and Ipads. Keep only what you really want and need. Extra books and other things can be donated. A RV can hold a lot but not the whole house. Make a check list this is the best way to stay organized, trust me there is a lot to prepare for this is a new life. Be prepared for anything on the road. Here is a list of things you will need for traveling in an RV.
Navigation systems; like weather, news, you can find this on app on your cell phone but have a back up plan if you can, like a radio, CB, or even a weather device.
Maps; hard copies are good to, some area's don't get cell service when traveling. Make sure you always know where you are at by making it on the paper copy, just in case you loose service you can stay on track.
GPS; you may also have this on your phone but like I said having a few print outs of your travel
plan is good, maps from your map quest or a written plan of some sort, be ready for anything.
If you know where you are going have a rout plan what highway is best for the time of year.
When we left MO we left right after the winter storms but in between winter and spring so it's still cold not freezing but pretty cold, it was still a little snowy but not a blizzard. Wyoming was windy and cold so we just took our time we took twice the time as a car like a week to get from MO to CA. We found that truck stops are a good resting spot and allow RVer's to stay but it is noisy and a little ruff with kids but very doable.
The KOA's were okay and had a few full timers there but not the best for the price some had water some didn't some had power some didn't, it really just depended on when and where you stayed. rest stops allow over nights but not all do. Walmart do allow over nights maybe two if you get stuck in a storm but not every state has there Walmart right off the highway and not every Walmart allow over nights you must ask first. We just left with no planning ahead, all we knew was we could use a truck stop or a KOA or a Walmart. We didn't know where they were or the times we would be there so knowing this really helps, to have the best travel experience.
I used the Dollar Store for things like organization, they have great plastic crates in all sizes and colors here is a you-tuber with great idea's. click here .
here is a list of a few things that will make your life easy while on the road to keep you from having to dump.
Buy as much as you can for your trip before you leave, at the store you like to save with
not all your likes are available on the road some places have little desireable snacks and they are pricey.
Sandwich food
Finger foods and plenty of snacks
Prepare all your food for the next few day that need to be cooked
bottled and a few gallons
plenty of paper towels
napkins, paper plates, plastic forks
TV dinner's I made chicken, beans, baked potato's, precooked bacon, and a ham for the road
Hot pockets
This is just a list of what i did I'm really not a fozen food person they are fine for a few day on ice
and lasted the whole time we traveled
My Rv has a microwave oven and stove top so to keep from cooking a lot I made as much I could before we left.
We also ate out at Denny's they have free wifi this was a big help.
Here we are at Denny's
In Wyoming they have
a truck stop and a church truck stop.
I just found this blog again! Love mom!